
This book followed the progress of Covid-19 with collaged images and text from the news, historical comparisons, the president’s proclamations, my handwritten comments in graphite and details enhanced with colored pencil, oil pastel and acrylic. However, as states begin to reopen their economies without control of the virus, and it appeared that the pandemic might extend indefinitely, I decided that the book and the stay-at-home order would end together and Lockdown would be the title. A monthly summary tracked changes of substance through the end of the year. Closing out 2020, the final paragraph in Lockdown says: “While the pandemic has had wide-ranging impacts on nearly every aspect of development including access to health care and food insecurity, the weakest and most vulnerable portions of the population have been disproportionately affected. With a new administration, we need to rebuild trust in government, correct the moral injuries of the past four years and rebalance the economy to benefit the working class. We need to restore the soul of America.” Lockdown is 6”x 4.5” with 202 pages of black Strathmore Artagain. The simplified cover is black bookcloth over board.

Brain Fog

One of the long term side effects of Covid-19 is called “brain fog”. The title has been lightly engraved into the natural bookcloth cover using a font called Ambulance Shotgun. Related images have been transferred onto handmade lama li paper and handwritten text added. Brain Fog, 7.5” x 5”, 34 pages


Hash marks and fragments represent 545 children separated from their parents at the U.S.- Mexican border to deter immigration. In their efforts to reunite families, the current administration has been hampered by incomplete or non-existent records. The effort toward a rational immigration policy is ongoing. Sixteen collaged canvas panels 10″ x 10″, can be displayed as 10″ x 20″ double-page spreads or in a 40″ x 40″ grid.