Mixed Messages

Embossed metallic text on Arches cover black concertina with mica. Ten pages 3.5” x 2.25” closed, 3.5″ x 22.5” open. In vintage brass box 3.75” x 2.5” x 2”. Text on the back of the box reads: A signal, message or communication that has, or is interpreted as having, multiple ambiguous or contradictory meanings.

Carte Postale

From a street vendor in Paris I bought a selection of naughty postcards then walked across the Seine to Sennelier to buy paper for a concertina book. I cut figures from the cards but didn’t complete the book until I returned to my studio, downloaded images of vintage cards and collaged them together with strategically placed bits of lace. The finished book is 5.5” x 5.5” closed, 5.5” x 44” open, with 8 pages.

City of Light

Drum leaf binding into 1928 Blue Guide cover with added faux bone, metal and metallic embossed cover. Collaged on Rives BFK with 7 pull out maps. 36 pages, 6.25” x 4.25”