1997 Lady of the Flowerscustom substrate

Custom Substrate Krause Studio, Marshfield Hills, Massachusetts, 1997re

“Lady of the Flowers”
24×22 inches (61×56 cm)
©Dorothy Simpson Krause 1997

Working in the software program Painter, Krause combined the two images by layering them together. (left) Krause used a process called “cloning” to create a copy of the image. She filled the clone with a sandstone color and then applied a texture which embossed the image into surface. (right)

Photographer Jan Doucette, took the photograph of a Romanian flower seller.The celestial map came from Planet Art’s copyright-free CD, Maps.

Because the embossed sandstone surface was linked to the original, she “cloned” the face and some of the details back into the copy. The final digital file ready for printing is shown on the right.

A loosely woven linen was coated with gesso and modeling paste then rolled to create surface cracks. An Alpha Merics Spectrum, which prints on any surface up to 3/4″ thick, printed the image with hot wax that dries on contact. The linen was glued to a textured plywood surface and the area surrounding the printed digital image was further textured with modeling paste and painted with metallic pigment. Gold leaf was added to the celestial “halo”.